Queering Psychedelics: videos available

I helped run a workshop during the weekend of Queering Psychedelics in San Francisco regarding, ‘In what ways are psychedelics queer?’. That workshop wasn’t filmed.

Instead, footage is available from the final discussion panel.

Here’s me answering a question about getting started in psychedelic research, the self as data, and qualitative vs quantitative methods: https://youtu.be/hmLnQUWNunY?t=1052

I make a brief point about the importance of men talking to men about sex and consent in the light of reports of sexual abuse in ayahuasca contexts: https://youtu.be/hmLnQUWNunY?t=2766

Then a brief comment about means and ends, questioning the common goals of psychedelic research: https://youtu.be/hmLnQUWNunY?t=6309

And finally my reflection on what I’ve learnt during the conference. The discovery of a transatlantic community of love and friendship: https://youtu.be/hmLnQUWNunY?t=7613

The full playlist of videos from the Queering Psychedelics conference is now available, comprehensive and free. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUJAOR2jnJ8HqUZ3MXq4h7jnM2_NjoYan


Videos: talking therapy on a boat


Ayahuasca Symposium, London: report