Ayahuasca and psychotherapy in the UK: video


Event description:

As an academic ayahuasca researcher and practising psychotherapist, Adam speaks about connections between psychedelics and psychotherapy, in theory, and in practice, and how continental existential philosophy offers a unique, valuable and unheard perspective. Adam recently completed qualitative research for his Master’s focused on UK participants in ayahuasca ceremonies and what they make of their experiences. Breaking Convention awarded this research a prize in Social Sciences at the recent 2019 conference. His October visit to the University of Kent Psychedelic Society is the first engagement where Adam speaks of his planned PhD qualitative research that will combine the phenomenological expertise at Birkbeck University and the biomedical expertise at King’s College London/the Institute of Psychiatry, with connections to the Ayahuasca Foundation in Peru and Campinas University, Brazil. The Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines and a range of journals publish Adam's writing. Adam answers audience questions to speak about ayahuasca, psychotherapy, his research findings and current plans. Adam talks of his personal and professional experiences of walking between worlds and invites you to join him in philosophising your experiences.

Recorded at the University of Kent, Canterbury, 15 October 2019


Celebrating 40 years of LGBTQ+ Humanism


Upcoming talk Tue 15 Oct, Kent: ayahuasca and psychotherapy