Celebrating 40 years of LGBTQ+ Humanism

On Sunday I was delighted to host a table to celebrate a magnificent forty years of the UK LGBTQ+ Humanist group, at a fundraising lunch in central London. Celebrity guests included lifelong campaigner Peter Tatchell, author, actor and playwright Mark Gatiss (Doctor Who, Sherlock) and his husband, actor Ian Hallard, plus Adèle Anderson of @FascinatingAida.

The group was founded in 1979 after Mary Whitehouse complained about blasphemy in Gay News . It became part of Humanists UK in 2012 under my Chairmanship. During its time, the organisation helped end Section 28 in schools, decriminalise gay sex, and introduce same-sex marriage UK-wide. It was the first organisation to offer public wedding ceremonies for gay people, the organisation that brought the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia to the UK, and the first to campaign against conversion therapy.

From 2010 - 2016 I was Chair of LGBT+ Humanists and a committee member for longer.

More at https://twitter.com/lgbthumanistsuk.


New video: interview with Manu Bazzano


Ayahuasca and psychotherapy in the UK: video